Sunday, May 20, 2012

DreamVision Re-Defines The Global Family Entertainment Market

(NEW YORK) May 20, 2012 National Business Breaking News

In the global sphere of the highly lucrative family entertainment marketplace, it appears that a shift in power is imminent. Tauting one of the most powerful teams within the family entertainment realm, The DreamVision Company has captured the attention of  industry experts as the studio announced its decision to locate their global motion picture, television and theatrical studio center in Fort Worth, Texas including the DreamVision Animation production and development studios. With the further news confirmed this week by DreamVision CEO/Chairman Rick Silanskas regarding the development of a ground breaking theme park resort destination planned for Texas and also current development in several international locations, DreamVision is now being considered a serious force that is destined to completely re-define the present family entertainment landscape. 

The "Dream Team" as it is now being called, is being led by the former Disney Executive Vice-President of Entertainment Worldwide and founder and first President of Disney Theatrical (Beauty and The Beast, etc), Mr. Ron Logan.

Mr. Logan, who was inducted as a Disney Legend in 2007, brings with him his entire team of classic Disney production and management talent in conjunction with the internationally award winning DreamVision proprietary emotionally driven CGI animation technical methodology.

From historical perspectives, DreamVision has appeared to fill a void that the global consumer market has been seeking for sometime. The interesting and probably most powerful element is the fact that DV encompasses the entire corporate structure to enhance the family market inclusive of award winning production, carefully structured distribution and syndication, global marketing and public relations and a team that cannot be duplicated. Further news is expected within the next several weeks according to corporate representatives.

copyright 2012 Business Entertainment Nat News

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